Sunday, October 31, 2010

Stupid Essay

Read it! It's kinda stupid...

Sporty Day....

I'm quite sweaty now, cause I just finish playing table tennis and cycling with my mom. By the way, Naresh's birthday party.....ya, I didn't attend it~and I bet it's already over now. I remembered the time is 11.00am-4.00pm. But seriously, not to insult him....I don't usually like to go to parties or whatever in Sunday. Still, I need to wish Naresh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! So basically, if I'm not mistaken....there's no homework to pass up tomorrow, but I'll find out later. Oh ya, nearly forgotten...see that image up there. Ya, that's my e-mail account. Just look at my inbox! It's all from facebook! As you can see, the inbox says that I have 1500+ mails....which I'm not sure about it. Great! Now I need to slowly delete it all....kinda irritating. But choice. Need to take my bath now....bye!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


That's me up there....I have nothing to do, so I took a picture of myself..:D So basically I have no idea how to do the weather prediction, I can't check from the internet and I don't have a thermometer to measure the weather. DAMN IT! Oh, by the way...tomorrow Naresh will be having a birthday party in his place~but I think I won't be going....cause first, it's too far. Second, I might not be able to make it....cause I need to go somewhere else tomorrow. Happy weekends!

Friday, October 29, 2010

More work to do....

It seems that I need to do the whole thing from the beginning.....hate it! Guess which subject it is....ICT!!!! I'm really gonna be insane! Please!!! We are already damn tired!!! As you know, I've mentioned about the weather prediction in the last few posts.....and I've done half way, I guess I should do it all over again. And now....the boys are disturbing me in facebook, David, Eugene, Jonathan and Tony. Especially Tony, he's damn annoying!!! Hate him!!! And the David keep saying that Tony likes me.....@David, please.....a little common sense will ya??? Tony is much more younger and shorter than me and him is.....IMPOSSIBLE!!! Oh ya, it just rained in my place just I did as Ms Sharmila said, take a pail and put it in the rain, after that~I took some pictures of it....and DONE!  Gotta go take my bath now....will update tomorrow, Sayonara!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


We had a debate....and it was so.....I don't know, but I think our team suck. So ya, our topic is about can money buy happiness, well....our group chose disagree~cause in our opinion, money can't buy happiness. We talked and talked.....we tried to defeat, but telling the truth~it's kinda hard. Cause the other competitors are quite stronger, so I think we kinda suck. I have no confidence of us winning, and I don't wish to...cause the last 2 teams are going to do the debate during the assembly....that's horrible! So I rather lose, actually I think that the debate that we are doing this time is not quite interesting....cause we need to talk in consequence, we can't like....the other team mates are saying something we disagree, then we go like "OBJECTION!!!!" if we do that, I bet the debate will be more interesting. So the main thing I wanna say is....I think we will be losing, 100%....but still, I don't mind. I just took some pictures of the weather just now, well you know....ICT project again, the predicting weather thingy. I don't even know whether I can finish it or not. Oh, by the you can see, I changed my bloskin again....which I told you in the last post that I will do so. I kinda like this blogskin, it's simple and nice.....well, I'm quite happy today~conflicts are all settled down. A bunch of homework waiting for me.....gotta go!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

totally random....LOL

 My newest comb....unfortunately, it's the biggest comb I ever had....LOL
 The medium size one....actually, it's suppose to be my sister's~but I kinda stole it...Oooopps!
 As you can see....this is the smallest one, which I always bring it to school.
Do Re Mi....just nice right? It comes in consequence....haha

Now....this is totally random, I just have nothing to I posted this. So ya, can you actually believe that I make use of the three combs when every time I'm combing my hair??? Kinda weird right??? Hahaa...Well, hair's too many~even the barber said so. My hair is very hard to be tidy...and it gets messed up easily....cause as I said, my hair is too many! Oh ya...I feel like changing my blogskin, cause I think the "Feng Shui" is not so good for me....u know, conflicts....whatever. But it doesn't mean that I'm insulting this blogskin is no good. So, I might change it tomorrow.....bye!

Tired of all.....

I have nothing much to say today....
Just a conflict again~
and I don't know what to do....
I don't wish to talk about it,
I know you are still pissed off with me....
and as you said, just because I apologized,
doesn't mean that it can magically fix your heart.
Yes, it's true.....I agree with that.
But still....I need to apologize no matter what.
You said that you THINK I'm happy that you are upset.
But I'm not....
Maybe you are saying that I'm lying.....
But seriously, I'm not.....
If you really think that way,
then there's nothing I can do or say.
But seriously, I really wish that we can last this friendship forever
I really have nothing to say....
and I don't know what to say...
I just hope this conflict will end....
that's all....
Homework and projects are waiting for me now,
gotta go

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Projects =.=

 The Front Page....with the contents~
 Page 1, the introduction
 Page 2...
 Page 3
 Page 4
 Page 5
And....the last page

So basically we can really rest in peace right now, cause we've done finish the Science project....which the due date is tomorrow. Wanna know why are there double in each photo??? Okay....see the one which is in color paper??? That's definitely mine....and the second one~it's in white right??? Let me explain, the white one is for Brennah....she called me to help her print out~cause her printer is kinda stuck...which Ii have no idea is true or not. So ya....wasting my ink again! I printed out hers with the white paper cause I seem to be running out of color papers. So, I only printed out mine with the color paper. Brennah....hope you won't mind~ Now, ICT project. The due date is tomorrow too. Ya....we finished the weather map thingy~now is left to create questions for the audience...which is  piece of cake. But the thing I'm worried is.....when the audience ask us questions~will me and my group members be able to answer, I hope so! That's all for today...Adiyos!

Monday, October 25, 2010


People say that friendship is like a toy....
When it's broken, you can never fix it back.
Actually, I don't quite believe in that...
Cause I believe that we can settle things the way it was.
So ya, here it comes again....
Hazel, I know I've been a bitch for all this time.
And I really wanna say sorry to you.
I know that you feel that I'm replacing you with Yan Ting.
Cause since I was friend with her....I don't quite often hanging out with you.
Yes, it's really my fault this time....
I'm such a bitch who doesn't even care about other people's feelings.
Hazel...I'm really very sorry.
Maybe you will think that....what's the use of apologizing after all of these had happened???
Trust me....cause I sometimes think of that too.
But still....I need to apologize to you no matter what.
I really screwed up with the friendship.
I hope that you will forgive me....
but if not, there is nothing that I can do~
cause I can't force you to do things that you don't want to.
I hope that you will be my friend forever.
Maybe you will think that I'm lying or whatever....
But I'm not.....
I don't know what are you thinking now.....
Maybe you feel like slapping me or saying me a bitch....
But I don't mind~
Cause this's all my fault for being a fucking bitch asshole backstabber
I shouldn't always think about myself...
I was wrong all this time.
I hope things will get better tomorrow~
And I'm really SORRY......

ICT project....

 Well....that's all of us!
 Us again!
 David wearing his socks....LOL
About this....I have no idea what are they doing~haha

So basically....we are almost finish. We just left....eeeerrrmmm~~~~let me think. Oh ya! We need to find about how to make weather data, which I have no idea how to do it....and create questions for the audience. Well, of course...we are having a presentation. SOMEONE in my group.....really pissed me off today.....and I feel like draining that person into the toilet bowl which is full with shit and pee. REALLY!!! The way he acts is so overly...I really can't stand him. Who does he thinks he is???!!! xxx! Here's a tip for you...don't think that you are famous~then you can do anything you want!!!! And by the way.....YOU SUCK! Nothing to say right now....I'll be posting another post about my life later~Stay tune....LOL

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Not again?!

Okay, first of all...I'm sorry to everyone.
Especially Hazel, cause I think I made her upset.
So Hazel.....SORRY!!!
I know you might not forgive me.
But still....I'm sorry.
I was wrong in the first place.
It's none of your fault.
I'm a loser who pushes everything to other people.
I bet everyone agrees with that.
So ya, for all the snapshots....
I'm the one who is responsible.
For the last time.....
I know it's too late....
People might think that what's the use of saying sorry???
Cause you can't change everything back the way it was.
Trust me....sometimes I think of that way too.
But it doesn't means I don't except other people's apology.
So ya, the loser is writing her blog right now.
I bet many people is pissed off with me,
including Hazel.
So....the last thing I wanna say is.....

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Just finish printing out my English project.
The thing that I said composing the song and whatever.
Nothing to say right now....
Oh ya, by the way....Chester is getting even more and more.....
Well of course I's natural that he's naughty.
Cause he's hyper active,
and he's a male.
So ya....gotta go now.


Seen my previous post????'s true, I did wrong this time. I kinda hurt my mom. So once again....sorry mom! Okay....about my title for today, "MIRACLE"! Wanna know why??? Well, it's because I didn't use the computer yesterday for the entire day!!! To's a miracle, but to the others~I don't know. I said it's a miracle because....there isn't a day I didn't touch the computer. See the picture up there???'s me, I know it's very ugly~but whatever. I just put this as my facebook profile picture. Actually I took this photo....when I came back from school. I felt bored....and nothing to do, so I took pictures of myself. By the way...from now on, I'm gonna spent more time with my family instead of spending time with my computer. Cause family is always the first! So basically Ms Sharmila gave us 3 projects to do, one is predicting the weather, second is making a scrapbook and last for not's about how to present weather data. If I'm not is. So my life is been rushed by these projects. Trust me.....I'll go insane sooner or later. Gotta go take my bath now, BYE!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm :(

I know I've hurt you a lot.....and I know it's all my fault.
I hope that you will forgive me,
maybe it's because I'm too emotional~which makes me saying those bad things about you......
Trust me....I will never ever do that again,
I never even intend to hurt you.
But I know.....the way I did really hurts you.
I know my character is awful...
I will try my best to change~
I hope you can give me another chance.
I'm really sorry to hurt you~