Monday, November 22, 2010

Fun day :D

Today I really sweat out a lot...
I mean A LOT!
So me, my mum, my brother, Sarah and Sarah's little brother went out to the park for a cycle.
Of course, we went there from the "long cut", cause my mum told us so...
My mum said:"I purposely want you guys to cycle by the "long cut" so that you all can do more exercise!"
Oh fine....but I really had fun during the cycling.
It's been a long time since the last time I cycled.
By the way, when we arrived in the park, we went and play the swing...
And it was like...DAMN FUN! I know this sounds crazy....but, yes!
Maybe some of you are like saying....what's so fun about playing the swing?
Trust really does, when you are on the can feel that you are like flying.
It's can clear your mind and just enjoy the "flight".
We didn't stay there quite long...cause it's about to rain I guess...
So we cycled back.
After that, me, Sarah, my brother and Sarah's brother played table tennis together.
But we played less than 10 minutes....hehe.
So we played badminton instead.
At first, me and Sarah vs My brother and Abraham=Sarah's brother.
The second match is me vs Abraham....and I won!haha
The third match is Sarah vs my brother...and my brother won, =.= damn it!
Then after that....we went inside Sarah's house.
Me and Sarah were using the computer while watching a movie call "Hell Cats" in computer.
And my brother and Abraham were playing guns...=.='''
Just brother is now 15 years old and yet he's playing the toy guns.
Oh fine....let's not talk about that.
So ya, me and my brother went back home for dinner later on.
Then...we went back to Sarah's house again.
So I actually spent time at her house until 10.30pm....
the I went home to take my bath.
And after half an hour, I came back to her house again. LOL
Then me and my brother went back home by 12.00am. :D
So today was quite a busy day....
By the way, as you can see....I actually changed my blogskin.
My mum is calling me to sleep now...
Good night! :)

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