Saturday, May 7, 2011

Busy Day :D

For God Heaven Sake!!!! How can they do that???!!!
Do they have mental problem or something?
You guys can't bully her like that!
As you can see, the girl who is standing was hitting the girl who is sitting and pulling her hair.
Not just that, she even cut her hair.
Which makes the girl's hair became shorter and shorter.
But what I think is, the girl who was been bullied by them should stand up and defend herself.
If I was her, I'll never let anyone touch me....not even a single hair!
If they do that to me, I'll just push them away and run to the teacher.
Or maybe I can slap them or box them one by one if I have a chance.
They seriously don't have a heart.
Not even a black one!
This has been on the newspaper, it's the headline.
Hazel told me so~
I hope that the girl can defend herself and be brave next time :)
I really hope she's fine~
Let's change another topic shall we?
I've actually cut my fringe...
as you can see my photos.
By the way, guitar lesson was great today :)
Good news is...
My mum said that she's going to buy a new piano and keyboard for me... :DDDD
I've been waiting for this A LONG TIME!
Okay, when I say keyboard...
I'm saying the one which have 88 keys exactly like the piano...
and the keys are not the ones which are very's actually like piano.
The good thing about that it, I can compose my own song by combining different instruments sounds.
After that record it, and I can insert pen-drive into the keyboard and save it.
Cool right? XD
We are going to take a look at the piano and keyboard next Sunday with the piano tuner and my piano teacher :DDD
Can't wait for the day to come!
Tomorrow is Mother's Day.
This is the day that everyone make their mum feel happy and proud! :P
I hope my mum likes the presents that I did it myself~
Well, want to continue watching my drama already~

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